Monday, October 6, 2008

is it really the 90s again?

i came across some really interesting news today thanks to nylon magazine. so remember the shoes that everyone and their mother had/wanted called LA gears? yeah with the bright lights and the little license plate attached? well they're being revamped and apparently the company that makes them is getting resurrected. bad news is, they'll only be available in europe and at a very unfriendly price of $160+... but for your viewing pleasure here is one of the limited editions available.
in other great news - if you also agree that the movies that have been coming out recently aren't worth the $10 dollars then think again. The New England Aquarium has the largest IMAX in the world apparently and from october 3-31st they'll be showing The Dark Knight every day. Check out their website and make sure you get yourself a ticket before it sells out!
speaking of selling out- this year halloween happens to be on a friday and to anyone that frequents allston that means one thing - the pill. They're going to be doing a special halloween night with bands playing as cover bands: this year you will get to see and hear the Strokes, the Kinks and Elastica. More details to come as we near the date but mark your calendars for that too...

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