Saturday, October 4, 2008

tomorrow wake and bake at Baked Fresh

before going off to work all day on this glorious fall saturday i want to leave you with a fun sunday activity.
So every sunday for the past couple months there's been the SoWa open market which is pretty much an arts and crafts mishmash with hundreds of vendors and all that goodness. I've been and other people have and the reviews are usually the same- it's alright but nothing spectacular.
Well... tomorrow they're having a "special" sunday which has been called Baked Fresh! and is to include live music, more stands, more food, as well as an art exhibit and the likes! judging from the hype this event is getting on fashion, arts and crafts and boston based blogs is should be quite good... and the weather's supposed to be a nice sunny 65 degrees...
check it out, it's in the south end (SoWa= south of washington street, boston's trying to NYC itself...) and starts at 10am!


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